2023 is coming closer and closer…
After Christmas and New Year’s Eve sometimes it’s a challenge to get back to the reality of your everyday life.
And we didn’t even mention yet the new year vows which are waiting to be realized up to the first day of January… Sounds familiar?
What if this time you would do something different to start the year? Something new? Something that would help you to swing into January in a mindful, joyful, meaningful way, with other students/young adults, but first and foremost with God?
For that we have two options for you: Study and Pray | Taste the Silence
Study and Pray
Are you a student and you are looking for a helping environment to study? At the same time you are happy to have time to pray, relax and have fun with others and to reflect on your questions?
In this case Study and pray is the best option.
On the program:
- 8 hours to study
- 8 hours to spiritual and community life with workshops, prayer, worship, testimonies and relax time
- 8 hours to sleep
– you have a great freedom to organise your own daily program
The two retreats are running parallel at the same time in the same house and there are some shared programs/moments every day.
Taste the Silence
You have no more exams or you are already working and have some free days at the beginning of the year? Would you like to spend the first days of the year in a welcoming environment and take time to slow down, reflect on your questions, to pray, to have spiritual guidance and a good time in different workshops and by having simple services in a monastery?
If you find yourself in this category Taste the silence is for you.
On the program:
In the morning (in silence) :
- Discover the depth and the actuality of the spirituality of Saint Ignatius
- Prayer time
In the afternoon:
- Workshops
- Spiritual guidance
- Relax/sport
- Little services
In the evening:
- Worship, Testimonies, Afterparty etc
The two retreats are running parallel at the same time in the same house and there are some shared programs/moments every day.
The place
In Antwerp in a beautiful monastery in the heart of the city (with a big private garden)
The language
The main language will be English
The price
€ 90-100 for students
€ 100-110 for young professionals
Sign up here, and choose the retreat option which suits you best.
If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us!
Happy to meet you soon!